March 30, 2010

Here it goes...

Ok, I've been putting off this first blog entry for long enough. I've now been living in Spain for almost 7 months... its time to get started! This blog will be about food. Why? Because food is my life. People who know me know that not only do I love to cook, eat and look at food, but that I am truly obsessed with just the thought of food! My other passion in life is traveling, and I combine both of my loves by visiting local markets and searching out yummy local food in every city I visit.

As I am now living in Madrid, I thought it would be interesting to document the interesting Spanish food that I encounter here. Spanish food not being easily available in Canada, I didn't really know what to expect. Since my arrival, I have absolutely fallen in love with Spanish cuisine. Its fantastic! It's simple, easy to eat, and has amazing flavours. Each region of Spain has very different flavours and styles of cooking. Lucky for me, I live in Madrid where, thanks to its central location, I have access to traditional dishes from all over the country.

So this is my blog. Read it, don't read it. I just want to be able to have some kind of reference to remember in 10 years what I saw, smelled and tasted during my stay in beautiful ESPAÑA¡


  1. menoum, du plaisir pour les yeux, la bouche et surtout, le goût de te rendre visite pour déguster, encore et encore, de la bonne bouffe avec toi!!!! YEAH!

  2. Pourquoi la pomme espagnole? quel est le sens du titre de ton blog? bon départ my love. Tu mama.

  3. Bonne question!
    Les espagnols (qui ne peuvent pas bien prononcer mon nom) mon surnomés Manza, ce qui est court pour Manzanita (petite pomme en espagnol). Alors la pomme c'est moi, et je suis en espagne!
